Front panel makeover time! Now just in case you are confused after me saying all the plastic bits were painted at the same time and yet here is a beige front panel! In the interests of clarity I have modded the space/time continuum in an attempt to retain some semblance of sanity to explain the various procedures employed in this project.

So off we jolly well go...
First I removed the door simply by pulling it off it's hinges. I have a thing about PC case doors. I hate them, especially butt ugly ones. Here is one of the two door hinge studs which I ground off using a well known brand of rotary tool... I could test fit some copper tubing.
I needed to drill holes to fix the tubing in place so to start, I marked around the tube to give me a guideline to work to.
Since there was no way a regular drill would get into such a tight space the well known brand of rotary tool was again called into action. I used the high speed milling bit to produce a hole big enough to get a sanding wheel in to accurately finish the hole.
A bit of time and care is all that was needed to produce a perfect hole for the tubing. (More of that later). Next I wanted to remove the moulded plastic grill. Here I started off using a cut-off wheel, but that was taking too long so out came the pad saw.
A minute later and the grill was gone. The sanding wheel and some files were used to remove the last bits of grill and clean up the opening. I will fit a piece of clear plexi behind the opening to make a window.
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